Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Late Spring: Lots of lettuce

Our garden is looking great--it always looks great in Spring.

We've done pretty well, all things considered. Here are a few shots:
Those are lettuce and spinach plants in the front of that bed.
We've already had lettuce and spinach from the garden, and there's clearly more than we can harvest.

That's a new raised bed from Gardener's Supply

I grabbed a Sharpie marker and dated the bed so that when it falls apart in, oh ten or twelve years, I'll remember when I put it together.

We put the little "greenhouse" in the garden with the herbs that Anne started indoors from seed. They are ready to be hardened off.

The bed in the bottom left is kale--very delicious kale, I might add.

The bushy looking plant near the greenhouse is a strawberry plant that overwintered beautifully.

And finally, below is a panoramic shot of the garden. It probably won't look this good for very long!

How's your garden coming?