Saturday, August 7, 2010

Images from the garden before the heat wave

Things were coming along best before the heat of early July, and then all the specialty bugs, worms, caterpillars and who knows what else. You know--plant asparagus, get asparagus beetles, plant squash, get squash borers. ETC. Anyway, these are pretty pictures.


Softneck and hardneck.

August: the garden is at its peak

We have a ton of stuff from the garden, even though we lost our zucchini to squash borers and most of our cukes. These pictures tell the story-that's a huge head of cabbage, from which we hand picked a ton of cabbage worms and drowned in soapy water (and we probably ate some, too).

We're still getting strawberries (you can see them in front on the cutting board but some critter got most of them-not sure which critter).
We've harvested Black Krim heirloom tomatoes - those are the ones with the little bit of a crack in them. They were fabulous. Note the two types of potato-red and yukon gold.

And the real surprise? Banana peppers, all from one plant. Anne has become convinced that Mel Bartholomew might really know what he's talking about: Square Foot Gardening here we come!

Our garden doesn't look like his-yet. We've got the raised beds, all we need now is the plan.

July photos

No pictures of the garden, just of the bounty of the garden: potatoes! What a surprise this was (even though we planted them, neither one of us expected that they would really grow!). Look at how happy Anne is with our 2 1/2 pounds of red potatoes. They were delicious and very, very special.

We also got beans, both green and purple. These have been fabulous, and I've really enjoyed making a green bean and potato salad with a mango yogurt dressing (last night with a cumin yogurt dressing!) from Moosewood Low Fat Favorites Recipes, one of our favorite cookbooks. Here's a link to the Moosewood Restaurant site, if you're interested.

This has been the best garden year yet!

Where has the summer gone?

So here are some pictures of the garden-it's now August and I somehow didn't even post one picture all of June and July, so I'll just post highlights (but not the squash borers or the asparagus beetles-more pleasant highlights).
So here are a few June shots-on the left is the cucumber obelisk (with a Gerber daisy on top-thanks to Betty Torrance, thanks Betty!) before it was overrun with too many cucumbers.
And before bugs got most of them.
The tomatoes are a much happier story, so here's a shot of them from early June (above) with a whole mess of (I think) Johnny Jump Ups in front of them.
One last June shot, the one in the center above-look at how neat everything looks!