So when it became clear that we weren’t going to be going anywhere we revisited our garden plans. A really bad snowstorm in March of 2018 collapsed the garden fences. Here’s a “before picture” of the collapsed garden. The fences were rebuilt that Spring.
Collapsed garden, March 2018 |
Garden after being rebuilt, summer 2018 |
Our microclimate is changing. These past couple of summers have been so wet that the tomatoes basically drowned. We thought long and hard before we picked this years plantings.
We’ve planted radishes and lettuces from seed on April 4th. These plants will do okay even if the weather is cool. You can just see the seedlings coming up in these pictures taken today, April 14. Ten days of a mix of rain (like 2 inches yesterday) and sun seem to be doing these seedlings good.
We marked each row with the name of whatever it was we planted (the “we” in that sentence is Anne).
And now we just watch and wait!
How are your gardens coming?
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