Last fall we had Mary Ellen of
Verdesign develop a plan for our garden. She did an amazing job and we've been so pleased.
She suggested that we plant spring bulbs in the front and back of the house. We hesitated-and now that they are up I can't imagine why.
Backyard |
This is a shot taken from the back yard, looking up at the vegetable garden. We never had flowers here - we never really thought of it as part of our garden. We put the bench there to look down the ravine, and the "seasonal stream" which in the past few years has been more like an ongoing marsh.
We have yellow daffs, daffs with orange trumpets, all facing south as they strain to reach the sun.
Front bed |
This is a shot of the front of the house, looking to the right of the front door as you face the house. The vegetable garden is in the upper right. The andromeda have great color; the forsythia in the back pick up the yellow of the daffodils in the front.
Before the daffodils bloomed we had snow drops-starting on New Year's Day for heaven sake!
Magnolia |
The "piece de resistance" was our magnolia tree, which Mary Ellen moved to the back of the house and which got a lot of sun this year. Here's a shot before the frost killed the flowers :(
We counted 11 flowers and then we had frost. Every magnolia in the neighborhood looks as though the flowers were burned-all brown and shriveled.
I think my favorite new view is the view of the center circle (which is really an oval). The ferns that will arrive later in the spring are sending up their fiddleheads, and in a few days it will be full of grape hyacinths, but right now it's a profusion of daffodils.
This picture doesn't really show off the sun dial in the center but I hope you get the basic idea.
Center with daffodils |
Happy spring, everyone! And happy gardening.