Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Further Progress on the Raised Beds

Bean Pole.  

Asparagus replanted.

Connie with her new toy--a really powerful cordless drill.

 The roots sticking up are the upside down asparagus crowns.  Any child could see that the roots were in the air.  Unfortunately, we had no child around and I did not get it.   Did replant correctly however.
Here I am planting strawberries.  Seascape, Jewel and Earlyglow.   We have a net to put over them so the birds and chipmunks do not get the berries.  We have more systems in place than Homeland Security.  In fact, Janet Napolitano is scheduled to visit next week...
Putting together a 2x8 bed.  The inside piece was tricky.

Amazing Daffs This Year

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Constructing the Raised Beds

The packages arrived today from Square Foot Gardening--wooden pieces to construct 7 raised beds. It was a warm sunny day and AFTER going to the farmer's market, working out at the gym, and going to the library, we came home to find that FedEx had delivered the beds. Spent all afternoon in the hot sun working on them. Of course the 12 foot one had to be taken apart and done twice, since there were no instructions and it was not clear how to connect the pieces. I guess the tree work really worked--there was not one bit of shade!


More daffs.

Forsythia almost in full bloom.

Early April

First daffodil in the bed.

The first haze of yellow on the forsythia.

The white flower is bloodroot, a native wildflower which I dug up from a hill down the road. Sanguinaria has a root that is red and was used as a dye. The leaf is first wrapped around the flower stem. Deer resistant and shade loving!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Purple Haze

This has been a fabulous Spring for purple flowers. The crocuses are gorgeous, and here they are on the path up the hill. The glories of the snow that Anne posted the other day have spread so much from last year that they give the entire front yard a "purple haze" - Jimi Hendrix would be proud!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Property in Spring

Crocuses, Chinodoxia, snow drops and the first daffs.

The Garden Being Built

Here are pictures of the new garden process. It is not complete. The posts still need caps and the raised beds have not arrived yet. What you see inside the garden at the very end will be taken apart and the new raised beds installed. Stay tuned!